The Challenge
The Launch Project originated to address the prevalent gender gap that exists for women, particularly in business, politics, science, and technology fields.
There are stark inequities regarding the lack of female representation in leadership positions in business, women receiving funding from venture capitalists, and the lack of business mentors to help guide female entrepreneurs. To understand the magnitude of the disparity of female entrepreneurs face, let's look at the hard facts and statistics:
Only 2.3% of venture capital goes to women entrepreneurs
Due to this funding disparity, only 2% of women-owned startups generate $1 million, and men are 3.5 times more likely to achieve this number
Statistics show that 48% of women in business lack mentors to guide them through entrepreneurship
According to the World Bank, in 2020, globally, only 1 out of 3 businesses are owned by women
Despite numerous barriers, the women-led or founded company is bound to generate a 66% greater return on investment than its male counterparts
Politics is also another area where there is a gender gap, and women are underrepresented in senior positions in political institutions. The prevalent reasons for the bias are primarily attributable to three key factors- voter bias, underrepresentation, and gender stereotypes.
In 2021, the United Nations stated that worldwide, women only make up 25% of national parliaments, 3% of local government members, and 21% of ministers. Only 23 countries are headed by a woman Head of State or government
In 2018 the legal profession, women accounted for 45% of associates but only 22.7% of partners and 19% of equity partners
As of January 2019, women represent only 24% of members of Congress:24% of the House and 23% of the Senate. Women of color represent less than 9% of members of Congress. Also, in 2019, women represent only 18% of governors, and as of August 2018, only 23% of mayors of the 100 largest US cities
Women are less likely to graduate with a STEM-related degree or enter a career field in STEM compared to their male counterparts. In order to equalize the gender imbalance in STEM fields is imperative for girls to be exposed to STEM-related activities rather than unconscious gender biases and norms. Girls need to be encouraged and exposed to influencers and mentors who encourage STEM-related fields and present possibilities for opportunities in STEM.
According to the World Economic Forum, in 2021, women make up just 28% of graduates in engineering and 40% of those in computer sciences

Launching female leaders and change-makers!